Use "dawdle|dawdled|dawdles|dawdling" in a sentence

1. Billy dawdled behind her all morning.

2. Hurry up! Quit dawdling!

3. Girls are always likely to dawdle.

4. Stop dawdle and do something useful!

5. The snail dawdled along the sandy path.

6. Stop dawdling and hurry up: we're late.

7. Don't dawdle over your work!

8. Don't dawdle - we're late already!

9. You are always dawdling.

10. The pupil dawdled all the way to school.

11. Stop dawdling and finish your work!

12. The cow was dawdling the fields.

13. Special in dawdle industry client is incomparable.

14. Stop dawdling and get going.

15. Stop dawdling away your homework.

16. We've dawdled the whole morning away arguing over the smallest issues!

17. Look sharp! Do not dawdle about like that.

18. Stop dawdling! You'll be late for school!

19. Stop dawdling! We're going to be late!

20. This is not a place to dawdle.

21. Don't dawdle the weekend away, playing cards.

22. However, it would not do to dawdle.

23. He has been dawdling his time away.

24. To waste time by puttering aimlessly; dawdle.

25. Look smart, don't dawdle about like that.

26. Stop dawdling and do something useful!

27. Don't dawdle over your clothing. You're so beautiful already.

28. The camel is dawdling along the sandy path.

29. 9 Stop dawdling and hurry up: we're late.

30. Don't dawdle , the young head is soon white.

31. Look smart! Don't always dawdle about like that!

32. Stop dawdling, keep revising, as examination is approaching.

33. Stop dawdling and help me with these suitcases.

34. If you dawdle, we can sit on this train.

35. This is a wonderful place to daydream and dawdle.

36. Eleanor will be back any moment, if she doesn't dawdle.

37. But when the train dawdled at station after station, I began to wonder.

38. Ming Dynasty year to raise office also to dawdle gauze.

39. I've yet to see him dithering and dawdling over anything!

40. If you keep dawdling along, you will surely be fired.

41. But coping with stress seems to be a dawdle for McBride.

42. His brainwave easily, drew a dawdle on paper, send that clerk.

43. It was all because of your dawdling that we were late.

44. There're only the minutes left; don't dawdle over your window shopping.

45. Don't dawdle, or the beasts will tear you limb from limb.

46. The boss told the workers not to dawdle over their work.

47. She doesn't get her work done because she's always dawdling.

48. If you go on dawdling like this , when will you ever be able to finish?

49. Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.

50. So you see, imagination needs moodling - long, inefficient, happy idling , dawdling and puttering.

51. We'll never get all the shopping done today if you dawdle like this.

52. Don't you dawdle over your breakfast then, not if you intend to make yourself useful.

53. Don't dawdle over your makeup, we don't want to be late for the concert.

54. 28 So you see, imagination needs moodling - long, inefficient, happy idling , dawdling and puttering.

55. Synonyms for Ankling include ambling, strolling, rambling, sauntering, walking, wandering, dawdling, meandering, moseying and promenading

56. I can't see why those guys in the office are dawdling over this.

57. They had been dawdling over the dishes , and their eyes had frequently met.

58. A child is waiting for a ride even as we dawdle at the gas station.

59. Synonyms for Bumming include idling, loafing, lounging, dallying, dawdling, lazing, ambling, chilling, chillin and dillydallying

60. Synonyms for Ambling include strolling, rAmbling, sauntering, walking, wandering, dawdling, meandering, moseying, promenading and mooching

61. When will you ever be able to finish, if you go on dawdling like this?

62. Suddenly conscious that he was flashing past vehicles which appeared to be dawdling, he glanced at the speedometer.

63. The gentleman he addressed got up, saying in an indolent way, "Oh really?" and dawdled to the hearthrug where Mr. Bounderby stood.

64. When she finally dawdled into the kitchen for lunch, she brought a strong waft of cigarette smoke with her.

65. Synonyms for Cunctation include delay, dawdling, lingering, hesitation, loitering, procrastination, stalling, wavering, dallying and dithering

66. I was dawdling over dessert, still killing time, when an old friend, Rose Dikas, slid into my booth.

67. Holidaymakers were dawdling over hotel breakfasts and asking themselves whether today would bring a repeat of yesterday's sunshine.

68. Accordingly, "He basically is in the university in dawdle, muddleheaded , missed a lot of opportunities, turn for instance professional, double long " .

69. The first inalienable right of a trainee was to dawdle and amuse himself before he settled into his chair for the morning.

70. And often edible dawdle can coordinate human body to be absorbed to other alimental well, have a change of luck, increase alimental nutrition efficiency.

71. British is now a Bertie word He was on warp-factor six when he Blithered: "Poland are dawdling, dillying and dallying

72. A personality disorder characterized by an indirect resistance to demands for adequate social and occupational performance; anger and opposition to authority and the expectations of others that is expressed Covertly by obstructionism, procrastination, stubbornness, dawdling, forgetfulness, and intentional inefficiency

73. The captain and his crew were left drifting Aimlessly on the tiny raft after their boat, the Gullborg, exploded south of Shetland almost 32 years ago.: Hundreds of trucks are Aimlessly hanging around the army rear.: American hard rockers Amen have been quiet in the UK but have signed a major deal in the States and the shambolic Alfie are still dawdling along albeit somewhat Aimlessly.